Two words, EDEN ISLE!! This home sits on .87 acres of some of the most desirable lake front property in the entire state of Arkansas. Nestled in the woods, this 2 story house overlooks a gently rolling lot fronting Greers Ferry Lake. The community boasts easy access to Eden Isle Marina to enjoy a full array of water adventures. Then drive your golf cart to Red Apple Inn for dinner after 18 challenging holes of golf! The 3,146 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 4 bath home is ready for someone to make their own. The main living room features a vaulted ceiling, rock fireplace and a large deck overlooking the lake. There's also a large den, main suite with a private covered deck and a walkout basement that's ready to remodel. There are few communities in Arkansas that rival this combination of amenities!
*Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed